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Welcome To My Website

I write popular nonfiction books, twelve and counting so far. Most of my books dig into health and medical advances. A handful have been on personal finance and business.


My health and medical books get into all sorts of ailments and diseases. I prefer though to stay above the shoulders. I've written about neuroscience, emotions, mental illness, hospitals, pain, dying, mental fitness, memory and cognitive functioning.


Almost all my books are collaborations, with an expert and me sharing every facet of a project. In special circumstances, I work as a ghostwriter. A recent such book was on business leadership, Grounded, by Bob Rosen, which spent a month on the New York Times bestseller list.


My books are published in hardback and paperback. Depending on when they were released, they are usually available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You should be able to find the paperback edition of the more recent titles in bookstores.


People frequently ask me how I come up with a subject or find a co-author. An agent or a publisher may come up with an idea. Or, an idea may be sparked by a doctor who contacts my agent or me directly. Or, I may have a brainstorm for a book idea and go looking for an expert to work with. There's no single formula. I'm always on the lookout for an intriguing topic that no one's done and for experts who need help translating their work into a popular book.


Please feel free to contact me with ideas, thoughts, whatever. I live in Washington, DC, and can be reached via email at